Our Services

Proven expertise in recruiting, assessing and qualifying candidates. Time, energy, and money are all valuable commodities. You’re wasting all three when you’re sorting through resumes from job searchers that don’t suit your requirements.post-hiring support for six months

We offer the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Program, Care for Newcomer Children (CNC), and English Conversation Circles Program.It helps you improve your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, moving you gradually through the Canadian Language

Care for children is offered under the Care for Newcomer Children program to facilitate access to services for newcomers with children. Newcomers participating in language classes can use these support services while attending class as their children are looked after.

Our Reception Centre is designed to provide refugees with immediate and essential services during the time they need it most after their first landing in Canada. The focus is to make sure to give them the knowledge, skills, abilities and the connections they need with their community to make sure
We Cover All Your Needs
Activities take place in a positive environment that empowers and motivates youth, and most importantly makes them feel safe and welcome. Our programs focus on leadership, employment, self-esteem, social activities, and education.